
Lil Peeps is a highly specialised private Occupational Therapy service that provides assessment, support, advice and intervention in a range of areas. We liaise closely with schools and teachers to ensure the best outcome for your child and family.
As families are the most important aspect of a child's life, Lil Peeps acknowledges the key role a family can play in supporting the development of the child. To assist families in determining their goals for their child, we engage in family consultation and use the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure to evaluate progress toward achieving these goals.

Early intervention is critical in achieving optimum outcomes for children, and screening services can assist in identifying areas of needs for children early in their schooling journey. Lil Peeps screening assessment looks at a range of physical development areas from core strength, to pre writing skills.
Check with your child's teacher if your child's school offer a OT screenng assessment.

Lil Peeps offers high-quality evidenced-based assessment service, customised to the individual's needs. Assessment areas Lil Peeps offer include physical assessments, handwriting assessment, motor skills, sensory processing, visual perception, activities of daily living and executive functioning.
Assessment is tailored to your child's needs.


Lil Peeps partners with a number of schools South of the River and offers onsite assessment and OT intervention programs and professional development for classroom staff. Many schools engage in early OT screening assessments for kindy and pre-primary children, which assists the school in planning for the needs of the classroom but also provides families with valuable information about their child's development.
Dynamic Classroom Design
Lil Peeps can also assist your school in dynamic classroom design which assists in improving the student's attention and focus but also addresses staff health and wellbeing.
Check with your child's school to see if your school is part of this program, or if you think your school would benefit from this program, please contact Lil Peeps to find out how these services can be tailored to your school.
Lil Peeps provides therapy support via education and consultation, direct individual therapy and group-based programs. Areas we suppport include:
Fine motor skills
Hand writing
Accessing technology
Self regulation
Sensory processing
Motor skills
Visual perception
Independence skills
School readiness
Lil Peeps provides education and whole school consultation, and services can be customised to your school's needs. Professional Learning topics include
Fine motor skills
Hand writing
Accessing technology
Self regulation
Sensory processing
Motor skills
Visual perception
School readiness